
Disclosure Regarding Data Use

Added June 30, 2020

Time Miner is a mobile and web-based billing tool that integrates with the following Third Party Providers: RingCentral (VoIP), Gmail (email), Outlook365 (email), and Clio (law practice management). With user authorization and specific permissions, data is imported from users' call history, text history, email history, and Clio matters. 

Time Miner uses this data to deliver its service of creating line-item time entries for billing purposes. This data is not used for any other purpose. 

All data, including users' login credentials to Third Party Providers, is kept confidential. It is never sold or shared. 

Time Miner's data centers are safe and secure, ISO 27001 and SSAE Type II certified, and are protected with the highest technical, physical and administrative safeguards. Time Miner further incorporates 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256) to encrypt all data.

Time Miner's use of information received from Google APIs adheres to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use Requirements.