
Try Time Miner for Free

Try Time Miner for Free

Start your 60 days free trial, or contact us to book a demo, or both! (We love giving demos.)

Time Miner. The future of timekeeping.


How it works


Time Miner is "on-demand" Technology.

It goes to work at your convenience, usually when it is time to do the billing. Most users run Time Miner monthly, but it can generate reports of billable activity more or less often.


Simply press the "Mine Now" button,

select your date parameters, and press "Mine Now" again.


In a few seconds, a detailed report of your billable activity will appear on your screen.

By clicking on the name of any billable contact you can see how long you talked on the phone with that person, and how many texts and emails you exchanged. And, Time Miner calculates the value of those communications based on your hourly rate.


To export the report

simply press the paper airplane icon and a spreadsheet will be emailed to an address of your choice. For Clio users, time entries can be exported to designated matters in Clio.

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Time Miner
Time Miner

Why Time Miner rocks

Time Miner is the only time capture solution that automatically finds billable time and creates time entries for billable calls, texts, and emails. A total game-changer for professionals who bill by the hour, Time Miner keeps up with billable time for you, freeing you from having to manually enter time or create timesheets. Time Miner currently integrates with RingCentral and Avaya Cloud Office to capture billable calls and text messages, and Outlook (Office 365) to capture billable emails. The process is on-demand and automatic. Go ahead, give it a try. On us.

See it in action